AFAEMME's collaboration with the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean

Next 18th of July the OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Programme and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) will co-organize, in collaboration with the city of Barcelona, an expert meeting to discuss pathways for employment and skills strategies in the Mediterranean region: "Employment and Skills Strategies in the Mediterranean: Developing Pathways for the Future". AFAEMME will participate in one of the sessions of the conference, dedicated to "Skills Development to Empower Mediterranean Women and Girls". As speakers of this session there will take part Mrs. De Felipe, AFAEMME's President, and some of AFAEMME's members as, for example Mrs. Badraoui, President of the Association of Moroccan Businesswomen (AFEM), and Mrs. Awwad, President of the Ramallah Club of BPW.

On the 19th of July, AFAEMME will meet with the Secretariat for the Union of the Mediterranean in order to coordinate, together with its partners, the execution of a new project. The project will be about female entrepreneurship promotion and will have the support, among others, of the European Training Foundation.