Labour Market and Entrepreneurship Overcoming Gender Stereotypes

  • Overall project value (EUR): 596.560,95 EUR
  • Nº of staff provided: 16 + 14 network organizations
  • Date: 2004 - 2006
  • Scale of the Investigations: EU Mediterranean and 12 New EU Members and candidate Countries
  • Contract nº: UE Commission - DG mpl/A/3 VS/2003/031

Direct Partners involved: Businesswomen of Greece - SEGE (Greece)  -AFAEMME Member-, Karat Coalition (Poland) and  WAD (Bulgaria)

Description of the investigations, studies and activities

The two main goals of the project were:

> Developing the capacity of the businesswomen and gender equality European platforms to promote efficient gender equality in economic life and advance their influence on economic policy through the production and dissemination of, and support for the exchange of information and good practices, as well as networking at Community level between two main European Regions: The editerranean and the new EU member states and candidate countries.

> Paying particular attention to the needs and requirements of the main gender equality and businesswomen organizations from Lithuania, Estonia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Malta and Cyprus.

The four priority themes were:

> To improve the understanding of the actions in the fields of employment and entrepreneurship, promoting changes in gender roles and overcoming gender stereotypes mainly in the 10 new EU member states and 2 candidate countries.

> To promote active partnership of the Businesswomen and gender equality organisations and develop their capacity to intervene in decisions on economic policy.

> To increase awareness and understanding among decision-makers and media on gender stereotypes in the field of economics.

> To improve general economic status of women (both entrepreneurs and employees).

The three main activities were:

> The development and production of gender material relating to overcoming obstacles facing women in the Labour market and entrepreneurship, For that purpose AFAEMME has produced 12 national studies and 1 global report) Strengthening active partnership of Businesswomen and Gender Equality organizations and their capacity to access decisions on economic policy - These activities were carried out in several international meetings, celebrating a Final large-scale European Conference Brussels In the European Parliament to present and disseminate the results of the studies on the Community level.