MED Franchise

  • Overall project value (EUR): 196.725,00
  • Date: 2008/2009 12 months
  • Scale of the investigations: 8 Mediterranean countries: Slovenia, France, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and Egypt.
  • Coordinator: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia /Ljubljana Regional Chamber.
  • Direct partners involved:
    • Association of Businesswomen of Morocco (AFEM) -
    • Jordan Forum for Business & Professional Women –
    • Egyptian Business Women Association (EBWA) –
    • GIZ PODJETNOST – Association of Slovenian Women Entrepreneurs

Description of the investigations, studies and activities:

The project tries to develop the participation of businesswomen organizations in the process of exchange of partnership initiatives by using the model of franchises as a tool of international cooperation, business exchange and Foreign Direct Investment towards the Mediterranean region.

Main Activities:

1. Partner meetings to analyze how franchises are working in the region and to define the work priorities.

2. Accomplishment of a study on the industries and sectors that operate with franchises throughout the Mediterranean and their potential in the future.

3. Thematic workshop on franchises.

4. Organization and execution of technical assistance missions.

5. Organization of Mediterranean BtoB meetings.

Expected results

The MED FRANCHISE action plan seeks to contribute to ANIMA efforts acting as a catalyst in the mobilization and empowerment of businesswomen through a peer to peer approach (executed by different businesswomen associations):

  • Direct involvement of 8 Mediterranean countries
  • 5 national women in business associations cooperating and contributing to international study on women in business and franchises as a development tool
  • 20-30 women entrepreneurs from each participating country, totalling 160-240 women) will star developing an international dialogue and businesses exchange through this network
  • 25 entrepreneurs will be oriented in the formalization of new contracts
  • 24 intermediate bodies will be involved and trained (3 by participating country)
  • Establishment of a permanent desk in Lujbljana Chamber to answer and dispatch queries
  • Presentation of the MED FRANCHISE Webpage, associated to the ANIMA Website
  • Guide for franchising in the Mediterranean region (published in the national languages)

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