Nosaltres Empersaries 2009

  • Overall project value (EUR): 58.000,00 €
  • Date: June / October 2009
  • Contract no: Nº 08/09. INICIA CREACIO D’EMPRESES
  • Direct partners involved: AFAEMME

Description of the investigations, studies and activities:

The NOSALTRES EMPRESARIES 2009 Programme is based on the support to initiatives for the expansion of female entrepreneurship and to potentially excellent projects with a perspective of growth, that includes a series of advising actions and the support of the projects of women entrepreneurs on the way to consolidation and expansion and that will take shape through the methodology of coaching.

Expected results:

In order to secure the objectives of the project the following activities will be carried out:

  • Diagnosis of the weaknesses and strengths of the entrepreneur and its company.
  • Individualized COACHING with the aim of accompanying the participants in their process of reinforcement of abilities, as entrepreneurs and creators of their own professional future without forgetting the importance of concealing with personal life, as only harmony both areas makes it possible to arrive to excellence.
  • The participants have to perceive the formative support with a set of useful actions that will help them, in a realistic manner, consolidate their companies and conciliate the personal and professional lives.
  • To obtain that the participants feel motivated and implied and that they realise the benefits of pursuing the program. A number of experienced tutors will be at the disposal of the entrepreneurs to clarify, accompany, motivate and also to solve any incident that arises during the project.
  • That each participant obtains an enterprise strategy to fortify and to consolidate its company.
  • Individualized evaluation of each enterprising action, both during the individual coaching as well as in the formative capsules.
  • Diffusion of the program as a model of excellence on how to undertake and consolidate a company.