Promoting Women’s Empowerment and Leadership

  • Overall project value (EUR): 11.075,210 €
  • Contract: Diputación de Barcelona
  • Date: September - December 2012
  • Scale of the investigations: Province of Barcelona
  • Coordinator: AFAEMME
  • Direct partners involved: 12 Business Organisations from the Province of Barcelona

This project consists of an awareness raising campaign about the benefits for companies of having more women in decision-making positions.

AFAEMME has developed a specific material for companies about the obstacles that women in Barcelona are currently facing when trying to access decision-making positions in the economy and about the benefits for those companies facilitating this access.

AFAEMME’s President will hold a meeting with representatives of Business Organisations in Barcelona and will gather their feedback after explaining to them the contents of the awareness raising material. The Business Organisations will then disseminate the acquired contents among their members and hopefully the involved companies are going to contribute to equal opportunities by facilitating the access of women to higher positions within the company.

Finally AFAEMME is going to elaborate a final report about the campaign which will be disseminated at national and international level.