Women in Turkey

İlmiye Bergman, the first Turkish woman who climbed to Mount Erciyes in 1936

We are back with our posts about women in Turkey, written by our trainee. We hope you enjoy this sixth post! 

The first Turkish woman who climbed to Mount Erciyes in 1936. İlmiye Bergman died when she was 101. With its summit reaching 3.016 meters, Mount Erciyes is the highest mountain of Central Anatolia. Bergman has always been considered as the symbol of the newly founded Republic of her period. She came from a respected family who contributed to the development of the Republic as well. Her success was significant, as the period in which Turkish women could enjoy more equality had just started with the founder of the Republic (Mustafa Kemal Atatürk). Ilmiye is not only an example of successful Turkish women, but also a woman who was able to show women's power and strength in pursuing a goal they believe in. 

News Date

January 7, 2016