Afaemme News

Below we present the satisfaction interview of our participants in the first edition of Agent for Equality. Lots of reasons to do this training! Do you want to sign up?/ A continuación os presentamos la entrevista de satisfaccion de nuestros participantes de la primera edición de Agente de Igualdad. ¡ Un montón de razones por las que hacer esta formación! ¿Te apetece apuntarte?


November 10, 2022

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On November 3rd, the Annual General Meeting was held on a virtual platform in the framework of XIV MedaWomen Entrepreneur Forum. More than fifteen Presidents or Board Members of different mediterranean organization belonging to our Federation participated in the general meeting. Following the General Assembly the Extraordinary Assembly of Elections took place, renovating the mandate the Members of the Board for the period 2023-2026


November 9, 2022

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Last October 26th, Afaemme's President, Maria Helena de Felipe participated, as member of the board of the EESC ( European Economic and Social Committee) Employers Group, Vice-President of the Equality Group and member of the EUROMED Follow-up Committee, Union for Mediterranean 4th Women Ministerial Meeting


October 27, 2022

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The Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders (MedaWeek Barcelona) is nowadays the iconic conference dedicated to promoting the Mediterranean region worldwide. This event endorses the key economic sectors and the cultural values of this region through a wide variety of forums. MedaWeek Barcelona serves as the main meeting point for voicing the interests of the private sector in the socio-economic development of the Mediterranean countries. This yeard it will be held on November 16th, 17th and 18th please register to attend. Register here:


October 20, 2022

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Afaemme's President, Maria Helena de Felipe has attended last july 18th the General Assembly of Foment del Treball and the proclamation again of the president of Josep Sánchez Llibre and the 76 members of the new Board of Directors. Foment del Treball called the President of the Spanish Government to open the doors to dialogue and adopt a change of attitude that abandons populist positions


July 19, 2022

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Fruitful exchange of ideas in this meeting on reinforced cooperation between President EESC REX, Maria Helena de Felipe, Board Member of EESC and UfM General Secretary, Nasser Kamel. Interchanges between for future Conferences, Summits and Reports it’s a great way to improve the work and visibility we are doing in the #Euromed region #Mediterranean.


July 15, 2022

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Afaemme´s President, Maria Helena de Felipe, mets AFEM (Association of Businesswomen of Morocco ) board Members and their President, Mrs. Laila Doukkali in Foment Treball and Fepime Catalunya headquarters, to sign an agreement to reinforce the female business and the entrepreneurs between Marroc and Spain, between both Associations, AFEM Marroc and Fundación Tanja. More info about it


July 12, 2022

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Maria Helena De Felipe Lehtonen, presidenta d'AFAEMME i Beatriz Fernández-Tubau Rodes secretària general d'AFAEMME, van participar ahir als XV Premis Carles Ferrer Salat com a membres de la junta directiva de Foment del Treball Nacional. Moltes felicitats a tots els premiats!! #premisferrersalat #empresa #innovació


June 28, 2022

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Fantástica encuentro de mujeres empoderadas de nuestra formación de Agente de Igualdad en el maravilloso Palau de la Musica Catalana para hablar de igualdad y medidas en las organizaciones de nuestras participantes. ¡Jornada muy interesante y productiva! @afaemmeoficial @UB_IL3


June 13, 2022

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